My new lemon poppyseed cake iced in pink buttercream. She and I share a love of all things lemon, so I actually had two pieces of this cake last night, when I hardly ever eat ANY cake any more. This one is soooo good. Fondant stems and leaves, real Gerbera daisies. WAY too much cake for us, but she'll take the remnants in to work tomorrow for her coworkers to demolish in probably less than 30 minutes.
If the top tier looks a little funky to you, that's because it is. In my efforts to keep this cake small, yet still do a 3-tiered number, I used tuna cans to bake the 3", 3-layer, top tier. (Yes, I washed the cans out first.) If I'd stayed with a 3" 2-layer, I would have been fine. But no. I had to do a 3-layer up there. It ended up going a bit cattywhompus on me, then when I drove the stake into its center to keep it all vertical and standing up together, the hammer (yes, it's a clean hammer) slipped and knocked a whole chunk off the top of that tier. So I had to do the cake spackle routine which leaves the cake slightly less than perfect looking.
Thank goodness for big, beautiful Gerbera daisies!