Just a little place for me to publish pictures of my latest creatively crazy cake endeavors.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Year!

Purse Cakes
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Weather or not
One Brave Mother
Model T
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Merry Christmas!

A fun little 8" cake. Stay tuned for 7 more cakes and several dozen cookies over the coming weekend. And to all my friends and family -- my apologies if you haven't heard from me lately. I'm up to my ears in buttercream and it doesn't combine too well with my keyboard. The girls are harping on me to get the Christmas letter done to enclose with the photocard that we at least DID get done -- some two weeks ago. So stay tuned. You're not forgotten. In fact, I think of you all most every day -- and wish I could electronically send you each goodie I make every time I post a new picture.
Time, time, time. Where do I find more?
Sunday, December 09, 2007
It's beginning to look a lot like ...
Nutcracker Ballet
Here Lies My Youth ...

The Party Favors
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Turning 35

Not a person -- a company. How about THAT for an amazing accomplishment in this day and age? 35 years in business! They threw a big party to celebrate, and I had the honor of crafting the cake. Cake decor was taken from their party invitations.
Eldest (photog) daughter was my delivery assistant, and got a great shot of the cake with the company Christmas tree in the background.
Ten Lizzie

For the most charming 10-year-old you could ever meet. Her party was to be at a beauty salon ... all the girls were getting their hair, nails and makeup done. This cake was based on her party invitation. While the pearls aren't edible, all the makeup on top of the cake was crafted from candy clay. My new favorite medium!
Izzie is One!
Bugs Slugs Dirt and Mud
Monday, November 26, 2007
Chocolate Decadence
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Star Wars

Tea Party
Pea in a Pod
Sunday, November 11, 2007
My midwife's youngest son just turned 40

Anyway ... it was his birthday this weekend. He's all growed up now and sells orthopedic braces quite successfully for a living. So I made him a cake.
The words around the cake were: "Brace yourselves ... Chris is 40!"
Harry Potter

This cake was requested by a young man turning 12. He wanted a "Psychedelic '60's" cake, three-tiered, and he told me to let my imagination run wild. He and his friends are totally into The Beatles, The Ramones, and All things '60's. How cool is that?
Thank goodness for Google. I was only twelve myself when the Psychedelic '60's were in full swing ... so it's not because of old age that I needed a little help remembering what to put into this cake, right?
Happy faces, love beads, tie-dye, flower power, and peace and love, dude!
Pink Princess

Now I'm infinitely fortunate to be able to take flour, sugar, butter and a few other ingredients, and make so many birthday dreams come true.
I have the best "job" in the world.
Cooking Lessons

Birthday girl wanted pink cake, inside and out, so that's what she got. She also got a satin-white textured tablecloth on top of the pink cake, all decked out with four sundaes (because that's how old she is), four silver spoons, an apron, a bunch of oven mitts and hot pads, a bowl of penne pasta, and a vase on the table with the "flowers" spelling out her name.
Happy Birthday!
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Do the Splits!

Friday, November 02, 2007
Cake Truffles

Thursday, November 01, 2007
Apologies to my cake groupies
I know some of you have been going through withdrawals since I haven't posted a picture in a couple of weeks. I actually made 4 cakes last week, but was so pushed on my timing (for reasons that will be explained below) that I didn't get any pictures. I did a really cool teacher cake, an amazing martini glass cake that was actually a Cosmo since the party colors were hot pink and black, a simple 'just cake' cake, and an amazing artificial knee cake. Plus a few dozen Halloween cookies.
Reasons why you didn't get pics of those cakes:
Right after completing the Baby Boy Baptism cake that you're now bored with looking at, Doug and I were invited on a last-minute trip to Galveston, to go out on a pontoon boat at sunset to see the Dolphins swim and jump and dive and do everything else that they do, along the Intracoastal Waterway. Then we could spend the night at a friend's friend's beach house, and mosey our way back home sometime late Sunday afternoon. I frantically do a load of laundry, Doug packs our bags and a cooler and loads the car, I clean up from cake-baking and lock down the house, and we call eldest daughter to let her know we're leaving, and to come Sunday morning to check on things.
Well ... we nearly lost our lives on that fateful pontoon boat ride. Think Gilligan's Island/Titanic/Poseidon Adventure. I won't go into detail, but suffice it to say our adventure involved the pontoon boat being beached on a sandbar with 3" of water over it at late dusk, right next to the Intracoastal Waterway (where the dolphins were supposed to be swimming); several ocean-going vessels that were NOT pleased with us and our position/strandedness; a dog (one of 3) on the boat who decided it would be huge fun to go for a swim, and leapt off the deck to do so; big cold winds and water and waves; encroaching darkness; multiple males jumping in the water to push us off the stranding sandbar/save the dog; the blessed relief that the boat's motor actually re-started; a freezing 20-minute ride home against big winds and In The Dark; me clutching a teeny little Chihuahua to my bosom the entire time in order to save his life and prevent him from going for a swim; finally returning to the beach house to change into dry clothes, only to discover that Doug had failed to Put Our Suitcase In The Car.
No problem. We were all actually a bit giddy about surviving it all -- but DARN glad the boat's motor didn't shear a pin when we hit that shoal/shell/sand bar. It seems the Intracoastal Waterway had recently been dredged. Just our luck.
Then the next day ... we find out that the little island nearby that we jokingly said we'd just go hang out on and sleep all night if the motor didn't start and the Coast Guard wouldn't come ---- is named Rattlesnake Island. For good reason. Also -- the area we were in is known as Alligator Alley. Also for good reason. And even more than that -- another friend who fishes there frequently said he goes fishing there because he catches BABY SHARKS in those Intracoastal Waterways
We're all fine, of course, but we feel like 15-year-olds rather than 55-year-olds. I may have foreshadowed it a bit while we were frantically packing the car to leave and I said, "Gosh, it feels like a high school road trip!"
My Aunt now insists that Doug and I can't take another weekend trip unless we pass our itinerary by her, first.
So, yeah. I'm trying to catch up from almost losing my life.
Many more cakes to come. Stay tuned.
Reasons why you didn't get pics of those cakes:
Right after completing the Baby Boy Baptism cake that you're now bored with looking at, Doug and I were invited on a last-minute trip to Galveston, to go out on a pontoon boat at sunset to see the Dolphins swim and jump and dive and do everything else that they do, along the Intracoastal Waterway. Then we could spend the night at a friend's friend's beach house, and mosey our way back home sometime late Sunday afternoon. I frantically do a load of laundry, Doug packs our bags and a cooler and loads the car, I clean up from cake-baking and lock down the house, and we call eldest daughter to let her know we're leaving, and to come Sunday morning to check on things.
Well ... we nearly lost our lives on that fateful pontoon boat ride. Think Gilligan's Island/Titanic/Poseidon Adventure. I won't go into detail, but suffice it to say our adventure involved the pontoon boat being beached on a sandbar with 3" of water over it at late dusk, right next to the Intracoastal Waterway (where the dolphins were supposed to be swimming); several ocean-going vessels that were NOT pleased with us and our position/strandedness; a dog (one of 3) on the boat who decided it would be huge fun to go for a swim, and leapt off the deck to do so; big cold winds and water and waves; encroaching darkness; multiple males jumping in the water to push us off the stranding sandbar/save the dog; the blessed relief that the boat's motor actually re-started; a freezing 20-minute ride home against big winds and In The Dark; me clutching a teeny little Chihuahua to my bosom the entire time in order to save his life and prevent him from going for a swim; finally returning to the beach house to change into dry clothes, only to discover that Doug had failed to Put Our Suitcase In The Car.
No problem. We were all actually a bit giddy about surviving it all -- but DARN glad the boat's motor didn't shear a pin when we hit that shoal/shell/sand bar. It seems the Intracoastal Waterway had recently been dredged. Just our luck.
Then the next day ... we find out that the little island nearby that we jokingly said we'd just go hang out on and sleep all night if the motor didn't start and the Coast Guard wouldn't come ---- is named Rattlesnake Island. For good reason. Also -- the area we were in is known as Alligator Alley. Also for good reason. And even more than that -- another friend who fishes there frequently said he goes fishing there because he catches BABY SHARKS in those Intracoastal Waterways
We're all fine, of course, but we feel like 15-year-olds rather than 55-year-olds. I may have foreshadowed it a bit while we were frantically packing the car to leave and I said, "Gosh, it feels like a high school road trip!"
My Aunt now insists that Doug and I can't take another weekend trip unless we pass our itinerary by her, first.
So, yeah. I'm trying to catch up from almost losing my life.
Many more cakes to come. Stay tuned.
Bill Cosby Sweaters
Monday, October 22, 2007
Baby Boy Baptism
Friday, October 19, 2007
Two Cakes for a Hand Surgeon

The design on top (in royal icing) happens to be a topographic relief map of the human hand giving the "okay" sign. (No way could I do most of my cakes without my BFF Google!)
They had discussed in the beginning wanting a cake shaped like a hand giving the "okay" sign. I most definitely could not figure out the physics on that one, so they agreed to just a sheet cake with two hands drawn on top.
Well, I knew that just wasn't going to be awesome-looking enough for my cake standards, so I came up with this.
As it turns out, my muses were speaking directly to me. This is the position they put your hand in when they take an x-ray, and here I have an x-ray-looking-ish hand on the top of the cake. Who knew?
The Hand

So I made up the story in my head that this was a granddaddy farmer who got his hand caught in a hay baler and came to this lady hand surgeon to fix his hand so he could go back to providing for his family -- and keeping everyone else in the community fed. Thus, the blue chambray work shirt cuff and the hand lying in a bed of grass. Or alfalfa sprouts.
I'm hoping her little kids will get a huge kick out of this cake.
Fall Festival

Winnie the Pooh
Saturday, October 13, 2007
A tisket, a tasket ...
Bridal Shower
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Just. For. Them.
And anyone else who stops by, of course.
Happy Halloween!
(That's a way cool witch's hat in the background, but I need first daughter's photo skills to make it show up properly.)
Monday, October 08, 2007
Calling all purse freaks ...

This happens to be a carrot cake. Let's hope the recipient thinks my version is at least somewhat comparable to her grandmother's.
A Bear Knits in the Woods

Interestingly enough, this cake is for yet another 90-year-old matriarch, provided by her granddaughter. How cool is that?
It seems she growled at her kids when they were little, thus earning the nickname "The Bear." And she has proceeded to knit up a storm all her life ... so this is what the granddaughter and I came up with for the cake to celebrate her monumental birthday.
(It's the bottom cake tier in green that represents the woods.)
And those are her authentic knitting needles.
Now come on ... how fun is that?!
Let's Play Bridge

A special note to all "K's Cakes" addicts out there ... this is the second month of the monthly treats that the world's best granddaughter is providing to her 90-year-old grandmother for the year ahead. (For those of you not addicted to my blog yet, reference "Cookies for the Matriarch" in the August archive.)
The matriarch is a major bridge player, so this month was a bridge cake that she can serve to her friends at the next bridge game. Those are red ribbon roses on top, but they sure don't look like it in this picture.
Saturday, October 06, 2007

I finally got a chance to make a Spiderman cake today. How. Much. Fun.
My first Spiderman, and my first experience airbrushing a cake. Spidey was fun, but oy vey on the airbrushing. Trust me, I protected the entire local environment in the kitchen from overspray and did a darn good job on it. However, I had NO idea that invisible particles of red mist were filling the kitchen and proceeding to fall upon all horizontal surfaces. All counters, tabletops AND the darn floor.
Oh well. It was still fun. Next time I'll don a hazmat suit and mask, and do it outside in the back yard.
I think he's so cool ...
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Happy Birthday,Dougie!

A topsy-turvy cake for hubby's birthday today. Bottom layer is a carrot cake in the shape of a tool box, middle layer is a chocolate tipping-over paint can, top layer is a while almond sour cream flower pot. Wish you could see the silver clasp on the tool box better -- it's my favorite part of the cake. And that's spilled dirt from the flower pot on top (aka crushed Oreos) around the bottom border
If you know Doug, you know why the girls and I chose these 3 themes for his cake.
Almost party time!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Well hello, Charlie!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Aaron's Birthday STRIKES again!

Saturday, September 22, 2007
Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows ...

... anyone else old enough to remember Leslie Gore? Now I can't get that song out of my head. Anyway ... this was for a 13-year-old who loves blue skies and puffy clouds and rainbows and flowers. Not a bad batch of things for a 13-year-old to love, these days. Banana spice cake with buttercream icing and fondant. Mr. Sol is all gumpaste.
Prima Ballerina
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